How Online Doctorate Degree Helps In Career Boost

Online doctorate degree to present date is considered as the highest academic degree one can obtain. Being the most prestigious academic degree certificate it comes as no surprise that the degree is obtained with the investment of relentless efforts and perseverance through the help of which they obtain and attain the status and label of being a doctorate. At the same time it is also important to mention here that attaining this degree is not something that can be done easily. Many students ask this question and they are told haunting stories about enrolling in a doctorate degree program that ultimately results in killing their interest and excitement that they might have at any point of time regarding this degree program.

However, upon filtering facts from fiction we come to understand that enrolling in a doctorate degree program whether from a traditional or an online university is something that is not as complicated and tedious a task that has been made in inside our heads. All we need to do is to ensure that we are overcome with our phobias regarding this because there are many people from all around the world that enroll in this course and are also able to successfully pass it with good grades. One of the key aspects related to the online doctorate degree program that we need to understand and clarify in our minds is the fact that enrolling in an online PhD program does not mean that you have the same routine of attending classes and submit assignments or pass every quiz that you go through.

The core component comprising the doctorate degree is based on doing research work and submitting it in the end on the basis of which your eligibility regarding the degree and your qualification is judged. Since research work comprises an overwhelming percentage of the entire PhD course or degree program it is important to state here that the pace at which you can progress with the different stages of research conduction and submission is based on the person supervising your research.

The job of the supervisor is to ensure that all steps in the research preparation process are properly followed and adhered to. Moreover, the supervisor also helps student decide the topic on which he will base his research and ensure that the topic chosen has all components and is filled with all aspects that can help the student in meeting the criteria important and listed down for successfully becoming a doctorate.

Taxation and how it affects Online Schooling

When financing or planning to build a school, one of the core issues that the person encounters and faces is in the form of the taxation system and the other related features of educational degree programs and courses that students need to enroll and resolve the different ways through which they can help students enroll in different online educational degree programs and courses through which they can handle and resolve all tax related issues in an effective manner. One of the ways through which the problem of school taxation and the ways in which it can be handled is through the establishment and developments of online schooling systems that can help students overcome these problems in an effective manner.

The development and subsequent growth of online school and the booming culture of online schooling and education to students, the system through which the tax net operates in different countries can be understood. Taxes charged by other authorities, like cities and states, add additional layers of difficulty. Americans spend vast majority of time annually working on their taxes, and the prices of accountants and tax makers. In addition to this it is also important to mention here that the growth of online schools and their expanding network has not only provided students with a new dimension that they can explore in the field of online education through following a schedule and plan that is as per their own academic conveniences and qualities, but at the same time has also raised new avenues and frontiers through which they can relate and understand the different dynamics of the ways through which the system of taxation and the principles through which it is implemented can be followed and processed in an effective manner.

It is also important to state here that these schools provide students with every possible facility that they require in the field and the course that they want to enroll in. As far as the government policies and regulations regarding online schools is concerned the government must keep in mind that by imposing high percentage of taxes on these schools can alleviate the new frontier and dimension of education that has been explored with the help of these prospects. At the same time they must also consider the fact that by imposing strict tax regulations on these schools the number and percentage of students enrolling in different online educational programs and degree courses that are offered by these schools may decrease significantly thus affecting the overall distribution of educated and literate people in the country.


Business Management and Managerial Theories

With the passage of time and the developments that have taken place in the field of business management with the rise of business schools and management degrees that they offer to students it is important to comprehend the fact that the emergence, understanding and implementation of different management theories and the ways through which they can be applied and employed on different levels and scales to ensure that the people working in an organization and the operations that they go through are applied and help them in understanding the different dynamics of management and business schools in an effective manner. One of such theories that is commonly viewed in different organizational environment and culture is the Theory of X and Y.

Theory X and Y play an extremely important role in deciding the level of employee motivation. Also known as hard and soft management theories respectively each of them has their own scope of significance in the contemporary corporate culture. When considering the different motivation theories the aspect of job enlargement can most suitably be accommodated with the Theory Y of motivation.

Telecommuting would once again synchronize with the salient features of the Theory Y of motivation. The concept of job sharing where employees are provided salaries on equity basis will be most suitable with the Equity theory that accentuates upon the equal distribution of money between employees. Flextime due to the flexible working time that it offers to employees can once again be accommodated in the range of Theory Y.

The experience of working with a manager adhering to the rules of Theory X was quite tedious due to the strict supervision that he had over his employees. In comparison to this when I compare my working experience with a manager implementing the injunctions of Theory Y the working experience was quite positive. Both theories have their respective pros and cons and therefore management according to prevalent organizational circumstances can shift their styles of managing organizational affairs from X mode to Y or vice versa.

Each situation has its respective ethical implication as it allows people in authority as well as the employees with their respective limitations that they need to adhere. It is because of the rising trend and awareness that has been created through the different business schools and business management degree programs and the online degree programs that they offer that help in the entire process of understanding the dynamics of management on the whole as it is applied on an organizational level.

How to Foster English Reading Habits In Non-English Students

To foster English learning, the need to flourish ones reading strategy is an important element. It is with this thing you start to speak the language you are willing to learn and then later try to understand. There are generally 2 types of strategies affiliated with reading. Pre-reading, During-reading and Post-reading strategies through the application of different online means through the use of distance learning universities that students enroll today in.

Pre reading involves assessing how well person has the background knowledge of a particular content and then reading the passage with interest due to some already background knowledge of the passage itself. During-reading on the other hand assesses individual’s skills in making connections and visualizing the theme or story over which an essay is written. Lastly Post-Reading then tells as to how better a person then comprehend over what has been learned and uses that in the most effective way as possible.

For this research two types of strategies from 2 different strategies shall be discussed and how later it can then be used/ can be used by learners to learn English language as a sheer skill effectively and this can come in handy for them if they really want to excel in the different English language online certificate programs available for excelling in their linguistic skills.

Starts off with a predication process that is assuming as to what the author would be saying for a particular content after having reviewed the main title over which the essay is being written or if not that then, captions or pictures that may be found inside the essay.

A strategy that encourages students towards the thinking process and then later assume best as to what the whole topic would be before actually starting off with reading.

Followed by the prediction process this strategy also involves vocabulary building. A process that is regarded as being ‘pre’ because the reader should know of every word as stated in the essay before he or she starts to read. Under such a situation teacher would pull out words from the context that are unfamiliar and ask in general to every student and if found wrong, the teacher would then make sure they write the correct meaning of new word and later also use it for their future references in online education.

Involves the story mapping technique that is students relate the essay a sheer story to easily sketch a picture as to what is being said by the author. This for a kid may be like coming up with a comical story to a grownup that would tend to think of a story that’s practical and easy to compare with the essay itself.

With story mapping process in place the next involves Think, Pair, and Share technique. An excellent approach when a need for group work is felt more rather than individual work. It involves giving students in pair a question over which they have to plot an answer. This at first would result in pairs thinking and then talk to one another in pairs over best possible answers. Where after having thought of the random topic as given by the teacher to the pair then sharing the findings with the class to see how well they have succeeded in coming up with the best answer.